Friday, October 18, 2019

Animals are Friends, not Scientific Experiments Assignment

Animals are Friends, not Scientific Experiments - Assignment Example They are funded by big companies and sometimes by research agencies. These experiments have however, more often than not, been counter-productive as they fail to understand the basic fact that humans and animals have very different bodies. Drugs may thus not be safe for humans while they are safe for animals and vice-versa. This leads to disastrous consequences where both animal and human lives are lost due to the side-effects on the bodies of both. The basic purpose of the experiments remains unfulfilled and many lives are lost in the process. The issue has also been dealt from the angle of the ethical treatment of animals, in the article. It argues against the use of animals in scientific and medical experiments. Instead, it proposes the use of other techniques that would be able to predict the effects of drugs on human beings. The loss of animal and human lives can thus be minimized, leading to a more harmonious existence for the whole of mankind. This would lead man to treat anim als as friends and not as objects for scientific research (Killing Animals and Humans). Animals are Friends, not Scientific Experiments â€Å"Killing Animals and Humans†, an article that appears on the website of the organization Animal Aid talks about how the entire process of killing animals for the benefit of human beings is a futile exercise. ... The reason that is provided for the insensitive slaughter of these animals is the development of drugs that may be used for the treatment of diseases in human beings. The article hints that the humanitarian side of the debate is often overshadowed by the financial aspect of it. The reason for this may be that these experiments are often funded by big firms and research institutions that have their own lobbies. The article reveals in great detail, the different methods that are used to torture animals and the inhumanity of such an approach. The article also exposes the flaws in the legislative structures of nations across the world where atrocities against animals are often not taken very seriously. The essay also busts the myth about the utility of these experiments to the human race. It cites examples of lives that have been lost as a result of these experiments. As opposed to the common perception that these experiments lead to the loss of only animal lives, it also leads to the lo ss of human lives. These experiments often overlook the fact that animals and humans may not react in the same manner to the same drugs. The different effects that these drugs produce have led to many mistakes in the field of medicine, something that is the public is often not aware of. The essay talks of how medicines that have worked on animals that are as close to the human race as chimpanzees has failed completely on humans. An administration of these drugs to humans without proper research into the human anatomy would always lead to disaster, according to the article. As a result of these mindless experiments, thus, no purpose is fulfilled except the deaths of many humans and animals. The article, as a means of a solution, proposes a paradigm shift in the way experiments

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