Saturday, October 19, 2019

Relationships Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Relationships - Essay Example He taught me how to write before I went to school; every day; he would come home and sit with me on a small chair and table next to his huge study desk. At first, I would play around in the room running around and sometimes upsetting him with my toy cars. Most times, he would smile understandingly and after he was done working, I would help him tidy up the room. However, he gradually started insisting I sit still and he would then teach me how to print out letters, words and eventually sentences. At first, I did not like the restrictions involved while he was teaching me, but I gradually got used to them. In addition, when my father wants you to do something, it is easier to do it than resist him since he will inevitably wear you out. This was the first lesson I learned about him that informed most of my interactions and sometimes-even fights with him. I began school at a slightly older age than most of my colleagues, but when the teachers realized I had been homeschooled, they put m e in an accelerated program and I soon caught up with my peers. However, my father’s involvement in my life went beyond academics since he was an ardent sports fan and particularly loved football. Every Sunday, he would take me with him to the local stadium and we would watch the game and cheer his favorite team, which soon become our favorite. Sometimes when he came from work early, we would kick around a ball at the yard outside our house and then I would either join him in his study or watch TV in the den as he worked. One thing that he and I both loved apart from football was reading. He was a voracious reader and his study was filled with hundreds of books from all over the world; I had taken to perusing through some of those as I grew older and when he noticed my interest he bought me several children’s versions which I enjoyed immensely. By the time, I was 13, I had started reading most of the original works in his collection

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